The Training Visa Subclass 407 is a short stay visa for people to complete occupational training activities to improve skills for your career or area of study, or in a professional development training program in Australia.
For a general overview of the Training visa, please click here.
To be eligible for the visa, your sponsor/employer must have nominated you to join in a program of occupational training. The requirements for the nomination differ depending on the purpose or type of training. There are three different types of nominations:
To be nominated for this type, the training must be necessary for you to obtain registration, membership, or licensing in Australia or your home country. Therefore, this nomination type would not be suitable if you are already working in the occupation. It is also not suitable for people to seek a professional association e.g. an accountant who wants to become a chartered accountant.
Your sponsor must submit a letter from the regulatory body in Australia or your home country to prove that training is necessary to obtain the registration to work in the occupation.
The length of the training would depend on the registration requirement.
This training must be structured workplace-based training tailored specifically to your training needs. Only certain occupations are eligible for this nomination. To check if your occupation is relevant, please see here. The training provided by the sponsor must be related to the occupation.
Other criteria for this nomination is that you have recent and relevant experience. You must have at least 12 months of full-time experience in the occupation and this must have occurred in the 24 months immediately before the time of nomination. The experience may include employment or study experience.
The duration of the training would depend on the training required to ensure that your skill level would match the skill level prescribed by ANZSCO.