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The 7 Best Jobs in Australia For Introverts

22 December, 2016

Let us get this straight: introverts are not shy, nor do we hate people. We also aren't any weirder than others are. Our brains are just wired vastly different from most of the people. While the extroverts get their energy and excitement from socialization, risk-taking, and adventures, we get ours from within, and an excess of these external stimulants drain the vitality out of us. We recharge by withdrawing from people and enjoying our quiet times. That’s why you may find us most of the time  in coffee shops, museums, or libraries, embracing solitude.

And this makes living in such a social country like Australia quite challenging for us. This is a country where barbecues, office parties, and drinking out with your work mates are the norms. Fortunately, there are jobs out here that do not require us to interact with people 90% of the time. Occupations that will allow us to toil alone in an enclosed office or isolated fields. If you are one of us, you better take note of these.





Annual salary: $65,000 per year

Required training/degree:  A bachelor’s degree in a field such as zoology, biology, wildlife biology, or ecology.

A zoologist’s line of job can be pretty diverse, ranging from tending for a zoo to caring for sanctuary animals to research and drug development. But the thing is, you only deal with animals from the furry to the scaly, and they won’t engage you in small talks.





Annual salary: $90,000

Required training/degree:  A bachelor’s degree in Library Science, Education, or History.

As an archivist, your job is to sort, classify, and catalogue historical materials, documents, or works of arts. You will usually work in museums, libraries, or research centers. These lines of work are what some people will find extremely boring. But as an introvert, you will find these amusing. You will have the opportunity to learn about history, art, or science on a first hand basis, coming straight from the sources of knowledge themselves.





Annual salary: $116,000

Required training/degree:  A bachelor’s degree in Geoscience.

Geoscientists either spend their entire time on the field, surveying the site, gathering data, and collecting samples. When they are not out there, they tinker in their laboratories, analyzing said samples, cataloguing, and writing researches. Each day is filled with wonders of discovery, learning, and realisations.



Computer Programmer


Annual salary: $57,000

Required training/degree:  A bachelor’s degree in Computing, Information Technology, or Computer Science.

Computer programming is another intricate task. Programmers usually spend entire days in front of computer screens, building software programs by manipulating codes to the best of their knowledge and whatever programming language they use (yes, computer programs have their own specific languages). It is so challenging that Internet memes have already been made out of it by programmers themselves to make fun of their otherwise arduous jobs.





Annual salary: $78,000

Required training/degree:  A bachelor’s degree in Economics


Economics might be a social science, but as someone in the field, social interaction will be the last thing you do. You will be working either in the Government, corporations, or the academia, translating and analysing numbers, extracting patterns, solving complex problems, and analysing human behaviors to paint a bigger picture of their actions and possibly predict the future.

The only time there will be human interaction is when you speak with your clients or superiors to communicate your findings and reports, and these would not take an entire day.





Annual salary: $65,000

Required training/degree:  A bachelor’s degree in Mathematics


Not all mathematicians end up lecturing in front of the class. Some of them spend their days inside offices and research centers tinkering with numbers, predicting patterns, and exploring the world of data, facts, and figures. Mathematicians usually work in the fields of astronomy, economics, software and hardware development, and the academe. But you may also find them in robotics, medicine, climate study, and national security.





Annual salary: $51,000

Required training/degree:  A bachelor’s degree in Radiology

No, radiologist is not the person who operates the x-ray machine. That is the radiographer. A radiologist is a specialised physician who interprets and analyses results from x-ray, CT scan, MRI, and ultrasound examinations to detect and diagnose certain illnesses, which he/she will then forward to the general physician or the relevant specialist. These people mostly have no patient interaction and deals only with a secretary, a few nurses, and other doctors, which do not always occur.

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